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Harward Brothers Livestock Market is owned by Marcus Harward and family. The Harwards are from Richfield, North Carolina where they raise their own cattle. Marcus also operates Stanly County Livestock Market in Norwood, North Carolina. Stanly County Livestock Market operates on Wednesdays.



Sale time is 11:00 a.m. We start with pairs and head cows (cows that were preg-checked by the vet), then start on feeder cattle. The dairy-influenced feeder calves sell at 3:00 pm or the end of the feeder cattle sale, whichever is earliest. After the conclusion of the feeder cattle sale, we take a small break and then sell the beef bulls followed by beef cows. We sell baby calves, goats, and sheep at 6:00 p.m. or at the end of the cattle sale, whichever is earliest, in the unloading area of the barn, regardless of the main sale’s status.



Livestock can be unloaded at the barn on Sunday or on Monday prior to and during the sale.

Sunday: 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm in the winter and 7:00 pm in the summer

Monday: 7:00 am until the conclusion of the sale.



Checks are available as soon as all your cattle are sold. Mondays we do not have a posted closing time; however, we are in the office for 1 hour after the conclusion of the entire sale. Checks are also available on Tuesdays from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon. All checks that are not picked up by 12:00 on Tuesday are mailed with the US Postal Service on Tuesday. Most checks arrive by mail on Thursday or Friday, but every week some may take a full 7 days to arrive (Tuesday). We do everything possible so all checks arrive by the end of the week!



If you are interested in purchasing livestock at the sale, you must register in the office and receive a buyer's number. All livestock must be paid for on sale day immediately after purchase and prior to loading any livestock. We accept check or cash but not credit or debit cards. If you need someone to purchase livestock for you on order, contact Marcus at 704-322-0840.


2207 Turnersburg Hwy. Turnersburg, NC 28688

PO Box 465 Richfield, NC 28137

Office: 704-546-2692  •  Email:

Marcus Harward: 704-322-0840  •  Brooke Harward: 704-322-9770

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Over 30 years of marketing experience!

The Harward family has been marketing livestock and managing auctions since 1991. Today the family continues to work together to market cattle for customers throughout the southeastern United States.


- Weekly livestock sale

- Weekly small animal sale

- Hauling

- Vet preg-checking

- Cattle work on the farm

- Herd consultations

- Video sales

- and more!


2207 Turnersburg Hwy

Turnersburg, NC 28688


From I-77, coming from the south:

Take Exit 54, & go EAST on Hwy 21-N. Go 5 miles and barn will be on your left.


From I-77, coming from the north:

Take Exit 65, & go EAST on Hwy 901 S. Go 5 miles and turn right onto US-21 S in Harmony. Go 4.5 miles and barn will be on your right.

© 2022-2024 by Harward Brothers Livestock Market.

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